A complete recap of everything that happened in A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is my absolute favourite series ever and I’ve reread it to death, but I know rereading isn’t for everyone so here is a summary of everything that happened in the book so you’ll be prepared for when the TV show comes out. If you didn’t know, they’ve recently announced casting for Pip and Ravi and they’ve started filming. 

Check out this post: 5 differences between the book and show


If you want to buy the book instead, click here: AMAZON | BOOKSHOP.ORG

Here’s a brief summary of the book:

  • 5 years ago, in the small town of Little Kilton, a schoolgirl disappeared and everyone knows that Sal Singh is responsible. After all, he killed himself soon after when the police started looking for him. But, Pip isn’t so sure. When she chooses a topic for her final year school project, she decides to investigate the crime. 

First of all, let’s give a little overview of each character so I don’t have to keep going back and doing it while I’m explaining the plot: 

  • Pippa Fitz-Amobi: Pippa is the main character. She’s 17 and about to enter her final year of sixth form.
  • Ravi Singh: Ravi Singh is the brother of alleged killer, Sal Singh. He’s 20 and works at a pub. Pip asks him for help investigating his brother’s crime.
  • Sal Singh: Sal Singh was in his final year of sixth form when he was accused of killing his girlfriend before ultimately killing himself and confessing to the crime.
  • Andie Bell: Andie Bell was the teenage girl that disappeared. 
  • Becca Bell: Becca Bell is Andie Bell’s sister.
  • Jason Bell: Jason Bell is Andie Bell’s father.
  • Victor Amobi: Victor Amobi is Pip’s stepdad but she makes it clear she doesn’t like that distinction – he’s just her dad.
  • Leanne Amobi is Pip’s mother.
  • Josh Amobi is her younger brother. 
  • Cara Ward: Cara Ward is Pippa’s best friend.
  • Naomi Ward: Naomi Ward is Cara’s sister, and was one of Sal’s best friends.
  • Elliot Ward: Elliot Ward is Cara and Naomi’s dad, and a history teacher at Pip’s school.
  • Zach Chen, Connor Reynolds, Lauren Gibson and Ant Lowe: Pip’s friends
  • Max Hastings: Max Hastings was one of Sal’s best friends.
  • Millie Simpson and Jake Lawrence were 2 more of Sal’s friends.
  • Chloe Burch and Emma Hutton were Andie Bell’s 2 best friends. 
  • Stanley Forbes: Stanley Forbes is a local journalist that covered the crime as it was happening

Now, let’s do a little overview of the case as Pip knows it at the beginning of the book.

  • Andie Bell was reported missing from her home in Little Kilton. 
  • She left home in her car and had her mobile phone but no extra clothes with her. 
  • The police confirmed that her disappearance was out of character. 
  • Andie was last seen alive by her younger sister, Becca, at around 10:30 pm on the 20th April 2012. 
  • This was corroborated by the police who saw CCTV footage taken from a security camera that confirmed Andie’s car was seen driving away from her home at about 10:40pm. 
  • Andie was supposed to pick up her parents from a dinner party at 12:45am but didn’t show up. 
  • Her parents tried calling her friends to see if they knew where she was but when they had no luck, they called the police at 3am, Saturday morning. 
  • So, whatever happened to Andie Bell, happened between 10:40pm and 12:45am. 
  • Sal was first questioned on 21st April. 
  • On the night she disappeared, he was at his friend, Max Hastings’ house. 
  • Sal told the police he left Max’s at about 12:15 and his dad confirmed he arrived home at about 12:50. 
  • His friends confirmed his alibi until the next day, when they went to the police and told them that Sal had asked them to lie. He actually left Max’s at about 10:30pm.
  • Sal disappeared after this. He sent a confession text to his dad and that evening he was found dead in the woods. He’d killed himself. He had Andie’s phone on him and there were trace amounts of Andie’s blood under his fingernails. The police believe he met her on his way home and killed her then. 
  • Even though they never found a body, the police were confident that Sal Sing did it so they didn’t investigate any further. 


  • The book starts with Pip getting permission from her EPQ supervisor to do her project about the local murder that happened 5 years ago. However, Pip lies and tells them she’s going to be discussing the media in relation to police investigations. Her supervisor basically says she can do it but she needs to be careful and she is absolutely not allowed to contact any of the families involved. 
  • Obviously, we know that Pip is absolutely not investigating the media.


  • Obviously, we know she breaks this rule almost immediately. 
  • Chapter one starts with Pip going to Ravi’s house to speak to him about her project. 
  • She does her little rambling thing and basically just tells him that she’s doing her EPQ on the murder because she doesn’t think his brother did and she’s going to prove it. 
  • Pip speaks to someone from the Missing Persons Bureau to ask what actually happens when someone is reported missing and basically finds out that Andie’s case would have always been considered high risk because she’s a minor and it was out of character for her to just disappear. 


  • Ravi has agreed to speak to Pip about his brother and the case. 


  • But, before she goes to see him we meet Pip’s 2 best friends, Cara and Lauren. Lauren is having a crisis because she’s just been dumped.
  • And, Pip interviews local journalist, Stanley Forbes, who covered the case as it was happening. 
  • Stanley is, uh… not a great person. 
  • From this interview, Pip finds out that one of the reasons that Stanley was so sure Sal did it was because he was Indian. 
  • Pip finds out 2 new pieces of information:
    • The police believe that Andie was killed in one place and transported to another because of the blood in the boot of Andie’s car.
    • The police found a threatening note in Andie’s school locker. 
  • Pip then makes her first murder map, I’ll try to put it up on screen if I can get a decent picture. 
  • She makes a few assumptions when making it about which route Sal would’ve taken home but she chooses a well-lit road which is where most people would walk, and it also has a road that goes off into secluded areas. 
  • She assumes since they both left at 10:30pm, they must have agreed to meet up at that time, but the police have never mentioned any phone calls or texts between them that night. 


  • Pip goes to interview Ravi and he’s shocked that she showed up because he kind of thought it was a prank.
  • Ravi doesn’t remember Sal acted weird when Andie disappeared and he doesn’t really believe that he killed Andie. 
  • After finding out that she was missing, Sal spent all day trying to call her. 
  • Sal had suggested that maybe Andie had run off to punish someone. Ravi suspected this ‘someone’ was Andie’s dad, Jason, since it seemed like Andie and Jason had a strained relationship. 
  • After the interview, Pip begins looking at old footage of the Bell family where it seems like his wife and daughter might be a little bit scared of Jason.
  • He becomes her main suspect at this point.


  • Pip interviews Naomi. She was also at Max Hastings’ house. She doesn’t really give much new information but Pip thinks she looks a little shifty and nervous. She does, however, tell Pip that Sal asked them to lie about his alibi when they went to see him the day after Andie had disappeared but they didn’t ask where he had been. 
  • There’s a point during this interview where Cara interrupts and asks where the jammie dodgers have gone. She just saw her dad buy them. 
  • Pip also interviews Max Hastings for the first time.
  • He’s basically a posh twat and he is one of the people that invented ‘calamity parties’ which are basically just big parties that the pupils from their school host. 
  • He also tells Pip that Naomi disappeared upstairs at his house and he didn’t see her for a while.
  • Pip notes some inconsistencies:
    • Max says Andie wasn’t mentioned; Naomi says she was
    • Max says Sal slipped out quietly; Naomi says he announced he was leaving
  • Pip adds Naomi to the suspect list.


  • At this point, Pip and Ravi don’t really know each other but they see each other in the supermarket where Pip attempts to defend him against someone that was working there.
  • Ravi is so used to it that he just ignores it then blows up at Pip and tells her he doesn’t need some kid he doesn’t know fighting his battles for him. 
  • Pip then interviews Elliot for the first time because he said he knew Sal pretty well.
    • He had helped Sal prepare for his Oxford interview. 
    • Pip finds out that Elliot had actually called in sick on the day after Andie went missing. 
    • He also says he didn’t really know Andie Bell.


  • Ravi comes to Pip to apologise and they take Pip’s dog, Barney, for a walk. 
  • Pip tells Ravi her 4 current theories:
    • Someone killed Andie but Sal was involved which was why he killed himself.
    • Someone killed Andie and the stress of it all led to Sal killing himself
    • Someone killed Andie, then killed Sal to make him look guilty
    • No one killed Andie Bell. She ran away and killed Sal to make him look guilty so no one would come looking for her. 
  • At this point, Ravi asks to work with Pip and gives her Sal’s phone.


  • They go through Sal’s phone and find that Andie rang Sal the night she disappeared, just before 9pm, but he didn’t answer.
  • They find 2 main pieces of evidence:
    • A number plate in his notes app: R009 KKJ
    • The confession text. Sal usually texts with no grammar or punctuation. The confession text looks like someone has tried to copy his style but has used punctuation. 


  • Pip gets in contact with one of Andie’s friends, Emma and finds out that Andie and Sal had been arguing about something that week but she didn’t know what it was about. 
  • Emma admits that she didn’t like the person she was around Andie – insinuating that Andie wasn’t really a great person. She literally says she could understand why Sal snapped and killed her. 
  • Pip then interviews Andie’s other friend, Chloe.
    • Chloe accidentally reveals that she believes Andie was sleeping with someone other than Sal. She also says that she always had a lot of money on her. 
  • After not getting a lot of information out of them, Pip decides to catfish Emma by pretending to be Chloe.
    • From this, she finds out that Andie was seeing a secret older guy and that Andie’s dad was having an affair.
  • Secret older guy is added to the suspect list. 


  • Pip and her friends decide to go camping for Cara’s birthday in the middle of woods. Pip spots someone watching them.


  • They all run after this mystery person but they get away. When Pip gets back to her sleeping bag, there’s a note inside saying ‘stop digging, pippa.’ 
  • She initially believes one of her friends did it but they all completely deny it and she begins to worry but it also makes her believe that she is getting close. 



  • Pip begins to suspect that Naomi sent the note since she would’ve known where they were that night. 
  • Pip borrows Cara’s laptop and sets it up so it will track every document printed through the Ward’s family printer. If she gets another note, she’ll be able to see whether it was printed in this house. 
  • Pip interviews Emma again
    • She basically asks Emma if she knows anything about a secret older guy. She admits she knew but says they never told the police.
    • Emma tells Pip that before she disappeared, Andie had called Elliot an arsehole. 
  • Pip doesn’t think he’s the type of person to do this but adds Elliot Ward to the suspect list.


  • Pip asks Elliot about why Andie would’ve called him an arsehole.
  • He tells her he found out she was bullying another student and had posted a naked picture of her online and told Andie’s dad, which is why Andie called him an arsehole.
  • Pip is relieved that it was for a fairly innocent reason.
  • The girl that was bullied is Natalie da Silva. 
  • Pip finds out from Naomi (who used to be friends with Nat) that Andie had forced Nat to drop out of a school play by saying she’d tell everyone that her brother (Daniel da Silva) had slept with her while she was underage when he was working as a caretaker at the school.


  • Pip and Ravi go to interview Nat da Silva.
  • Nat is very hostile to Pip and will only speak once she sees Ravi because Sal was nice to her. 
  • Andie kind of ruined Nat’s life. She was charged with GBH after attacking a fellow university student that reminded her of Andie. 
  • They find out that it was Nat that had left the threatening note in Andie’s locker. 
  • They also find out that Daniel da Silva is now a police officer and she begins to suspect that he could be the secret older guy.
  • Pip receives transcripts of Sal’s first interview with the police. And honestly, it doesn’t make him look good. He refuses to tell them what him and Andie had been arguing about in the week leading up to her disappearance. 
  • Pip decides not to show the transcripts to Ravi. 


  • Pip sees Becca Bell for the first time. She decides to speak to her even though she knows it’s completely unethical but by this point she’s already broke all the rules so.
  • Becca tells her that she doesn’t mind that Pip is doing it but she wants her family to be left out of it. 
  • Pip interviews Jess Walker who was a friend of Becca.
    • She finds out that Jason Bell used to pit his daughter’s against each other and always make little digs at their insecurities. 
    • Pip also finds out that on the night of Andie’s disappearance, Jason left the dinner party for a little bit. An alarm at his company had gone off so he had to check it out. She said he was nervous and had had a lot to drink. 
    • She also finds out that Max had been seen being fairly close to Andie so lied about not really knowing her.


  • Pip questions Max and, while snooping, finds a naked picture of Andie in his bedroom. He insists he only has it because he found it in a classroom at school. 
  • He also admits that he was buying drugs from Andie and that was why she must have always had so much money. She was a dealer. 
  • Sal did not know that she was dealing at this point.


  • Pip is determined to find out where the drugs were coming from so she goes to a calamity party. 


  • She finds someone smoking weed outside, and pretends to smoke with him. It’s actually a funny scene, she calls it ‘spliffing.’ 
  • The guy gives her the name of the dealer, Howie Bowers, but refuses to to give her his number.
  •  But, of course, this is Pip we’re talking about so she figures out a way to get his number. 


  • So, now Pip knows where the drug deals take place. A secluded spot near the train station so she sits there in her car and waits.
  • She sees Stanley Forbes meet with Howie Bowers, not to buy anything just to hand him an envelope. 
  • And, when Howie leaves, she follows him. To his home. She follows a drug dealer to his house.


  • Pip calls Ravi and he meets her there. 
  • She admits that she’s had Sal’s police interview for a while and kept it hidden because it just kinda made Sal look bad. 
  • But, they realise that Howie’s car has the number plate they found in Sal’s phone and realise that Sal was being evasive with the police because he knew she was dealing drugs and he thought she was coming back and didn’t want to get her in trouble.
  • And then, Pip knocks on Howie’s door and blackmails him into answering questions about Andie Bell. He tells them that she was dealing a lot of different drugs including rohypnol, the date rape drug, and says she was selling it some rich kid – they suspect it was Max Hastings. They also find out that Andie had a second burner phone.


  • Pip receives a text from Unknown saying ‘You stupid bitch. Leave this alone while you still can.’ Someone is worried that she is getting close. Someone that has her phone number.


  • Now, Pip plans to break into the Bell’s home to find the burner phone. 


  • Which they do. Obviously.
  • They enter the Bell’s house and so actually find a space below a loose floorboard, but it’s empty. 
  • But, they find Andie’s school planner and take pictures of each page. 
  • Just as they’re ready to leave, Becca Bell returns home and they hide in the wardrobe. They’re scared but she leaves quickly.
  • Pip deciphers the code Andie uses in her diary. TS=Train Station, etc and they find a phone number with some numbers covered. She finds that there are 9 possible numbers it could be. There’s one code (IV) that Pip can’t figure out. Until, they realise that there’s a B&B nearby called The Ivy House Hotel with a bathroom similar to the one in the naked picture of Andie that Max had hidden in his room.


  • Ravi and Pip visit the hotel and speak to the owner. 
  • The owner is an old woman who shocks them by saying that Andie stayed there a few weeks ago.
  • But it then turns out that she has alzheimers. 
  • But, since they found out this was the hotel that Andie was staying at they suspect she was using it to see the secret older man who probably couldn’t have her at his house. Their suspects: Daniel and Max. 
  • Pip and Ravi then see Howie and Max on the street together which means Max lied about not knowing Howie Bowers. 
  • Pip now feels confident that Max was drugging and raping girls at calamity parties. 


  • Pip asks Cara to get access to Naomi’s Facebook account to view Max’s real Facebook photos from the Calamity parties. He has a secret account where he posts all of his real stuff. 
  • Pip realises that all photos of the night Andie disappeared were uploaded at the same time on Monday night – the night they all agreed to tell the police they lied about Sal’s alibi. 
  • That night, Pip randomly wakes up in the middle of the night. She’s realised there’s a picture of the 4 friends and none of them could have been taking the picture – it must have been Sal.


  • Pip can see in the photo that Naomi’s phone says it was 12:09, which means that his friends must have lied about Sal leaving at 10:30. In the photo she can see a reflection in a window, where she can see someone wearing blue – the colour Sal was wearing that night. 
  • Now that they believe Sal didn’t leave Max’s until after 12am, Pip and Ravi test how long it would have taken Sal to get to Andie’s car from Max’s house, kill her and hide her body and decide he couldn’t have done it in that short amount of time. 


  • Pip then gets the perfect opportunity to question Max and Naomi together about they lied. 
  • Max initially denies lying until Naomi breaks down and admits it. 


  • They were blackmailed into lying. Max had hit someone when drink driving so Max convinced them to not say anything about it. At the time, they didn’t believe that Sal had actually done it so they thought they real killer would be found and it wouldn’t matter that they lied.
  • This makes Pip completely sure that Sal was innocent and that his friends knew. Sal died because of their lie. 
  • Cara asks Pip not to tell the police about the photo because she can’t lose Naomi as well as her mum. This is important and makes the rest of the story just that more heartbreaking.


  • Pip isn’t sure if the picture is enough to make the police reopen the case and she doesn’t want to get Naomi in trouble so Pip and Ravi agree to give themselves 3 weeks to find the killer or they’ll take the photo to the police.
  • Pip now has 5 suspects and lists reasons each of them may have done it:
    • Howie Bowers
      • Supplied Andie with drugs to sell
      • Possible sexual relationship
      • No alibi 
      • Andie’s car was found near where he lived
      • Knew the spot where Andie hid her burner phone
    • Jason Bell
      • Was having an affair and Andie found out
      • Emotionally abusive
      • Questioned by police in a formal interview
      • Left dinner party the night it happened
      • Used past tense when talking about his daughter
    • Daniel da Silva
      • Could be secret older guy
      • Andie said they had sex when she was 15
      • Report of drink spiking made to him that wasn’t followed up
      • Police officer: had access to Andie’s home and could’ve removed evidence
    • Nat da Silva
      • Bullied by Andie
      • Violent
      • Left a threatening note for Andie
      • Claims she has an alibi but could’ve snuck out
    • Max Hastings
      • Could be secret older guy
      • Had a nude photo of Andie
      • Bought drugs from Andie including rohypnol
      • Knew about the hit-and-run


  • When Pip returns home she feels like someone has been in her room and this is confirmed when she opens her laptop and someone has typed ‘YOU NEED TO STOP THIS, PIPPA’ hundreds of times on her EPQ log.
  • Pip becomes really anxious. She sleeps in Josh’s room to keep him safe.


  • Cara tells Pip that Naomi has been so jumpy that she accidentally threw her phone and broke it, but it’s okay because they found an old one with a sim in the house. This becomes important later.
  • Nat da Silva is at Pip’s school begging for a job and is openly hostile to Pip, just like always.
  • And later that day, Pip finds a note in her locker that says: ‘This is your final warning, Pippa. Walk away.’ 
  • Pippa then accidentally bumps into Pip and he can see that she’s shaken. He assumes she’s being bullied or something. 


  • Pippa visits Becca Bell to tell her that she’s found out that Andie was dealing drugs. Becca just denies it but while she’s here, Pip finds out that Daniel da Silva is close to Andie’s dad and was the first on the scene after Andie’s disappearance. So, if he knew where something was hidden, he easily could’ve hid evidence.


  • Pip goes to a ‘Have Your Say’ police meeting where she asks Daniel da Silva if he remembers any reports of drinks being spiked at parties, he says no. Of course. But Pip also finds out that he was the officer that filed the report about Max’s crashed car after the hit-and-run so he could’ve potentially made the connection and realised it was a hit and run. 


  • Soon after this, is when Pippa takes Barney for a walk, lets him off his lead, and he disappears.


  • They can’t find Barney anywhere, everyone is searching for him, they’ve put missing posters up. 
  • But, Pip is worried that Barney has been stolen because she ignored her final warning.
  • And, her worst fears are realised when she gets a text saying ‘Want to see you dog again?’


  • She doesn’t get another text until the next day, and this one tells her to take her laptop and all of the evidence she’s gathered to a specific place.
  • And, when she gets there, they tell her to destroy.
  • She waits for Barney to return, but later, her dad tells her that someone found Barney. He had drowned. 


  • This obviously shook Pip quite a bit. 
  • Ravi comes over and tells her that they don’t need to stick to the deadline that they created for the photo. They can just take as long as they need.
  • But, Pip is scared that someone else she loves is going to be hurt, so she tells him that it’s over. She’s not doing it anymore.
  • He, understandably, gets quite mad at her. 
  • She walked into his life, told him she was gonna prove that his brother was innocent, and now she’s just going to walk away? 
  • He asks for all the evidence so he can continue on his own and she tells him that she’s destroyed it.
  • She knows she needs to really hurt him to get him to stop.


  • But, don’t worry, their rift is literally not even a chapter.
  • Because Ravi, amazing Ravi, comes over the next day. He’s figured out that someone stole Barney and that’s why she stopped. 
  • This is why he’s the best. 
  • Pip eventually tells him that she hasn’t lost her research, she’s been emailing everything to herself.
  • And, this is when they create the murder board. They print everything out and pin all of the evidence to her corkboard.
  • Around this time, Naomi calls Pip from her new phone number. She’s got a friend that’s studying English at Cambridge so wanted to know if Pip wanted to speak to him. Pip is very grateful.


  • But, the next day, she realises that she recognises the phone number that Naomi called from yesterday. 
  • It’s the number that was in Andie’s planner. 
  • She thinks, you know, that’s not out of the ordinary. They were both close with Sal, maybe Andie wrote down Naomi’s number because of that. 
  • But, Pip has a feeling. So, she heads to the Ward’s house.


  • When she gets there, they are carving pumpkins so she can’t investigate anything right away.
  • But, when she does, she casually asks Naomi about her phone, and Naomi tells her that the sim card she’s using, is an old one of her dads. 
  • It was Elliot’s phone number that was written down in Andie’s planner, which is obviously a lot more suspicious than Naomi. 
  • Pip uses Cara’s laptop to see what’s been printed lately and there’s one unsaved document that was printed from Elliot’s computer. It says ‘This is your final warning, Pippa. Walk away.’ 


  • Elliot Ward killed Andie. And Sal. And Barney.
  • And, Pip is obviously very suspicious now. Cara mentions that her dad is tutoring and Pip wonders why? Why does he tutor? They’re rich so it’s not like he really needs the money.  
  • Cara and Naomi say he just seems to enjoy it and he started about 5 years ago. 


  • So, Pip obviously tells Ravi her theory.
  • This hurts Ravi because Sal loved Elliot. 
  • Elliot has no alibi for the night Andie disappeared or the day Sal was killed – he told Pip earlier in the book that he’d called in sick that day.
  • They discuss the possibility that Elliot was the secret older man. It, of course, makes sense. He would be in jail if she’d told anyone – he’s a grown man and a teacher.
  • Then, they theorise that Elliot doesn’t actually tutor anyone. What if, they never found Andie’s body because Andie isn’t dead? What if 3 times a week, when he says he’s tutoring, he’s actually visiting Andie because he has her locked up somewhere. 
  • Pip then remembers about all the times when Cara complains about food going missing her house. Maybe he’s taking it to Andie. 


  • Pip sets up find my friends between her and Ravi’s phone so on the way home from school, she can hide her phone in Elliot’s car and they can track where he’s going.
  • They realise that he is going to the area that the Ward’s used to live – he’s going to the exact house in which they used to live.


  •  A house that Cara says was sold years ago. 
  • Pip and Ravi agree to wait until Pip has done her exam for Cambridge before going to the police. And, they agree to go together.


  • But, of course, Pip is silly and reckless.
  • She goes to see Naomi where she asks if her therapist made her keep a diary and she confirms that she did. And in that diary, she wrote about the hit and run, which is how Elliot found out.
  • She decides to go to the house on her own. It’s a tutoring day so Elliot should be there.


  • Pip arrives at the house and calls the police. She tells them that Elliot kidnapped Andie 5 years ago and he’s been keeping her in the house the whole time. The police tell her to stay outside and wait for them but she goes in anyway.
  • Elliot is inside and Pippa tells him the police are on their way and just asks him to explain everything to her. 
  • He admits that Andie is in the house. Elliot says that Andie started paying attention to him in school and that he liked the attention. She asked for his phone number, he thought it was inappropriate but ended up buying a new sim anyway and they started texting. They ended up booking a hotel and they slept together. He told her it couldn’t happen again and she threatened to tell people and hid a naked picture of herself in his classroom somewhere which is the photo that Max found.. He told her dad about the bullying so she knew she’d get expelled if she exposed him which is why she called him an arsehole.
  • On the night she disappeared, Andie showed up at Elliot’s house angry. She told him she only slept with him so he’d help her get into Oxford like Sal. She needed to get away from her dad. 
  • She then tried to destroy the paintings his late wife had made and Elliot pushed her to get her to stop and she hit her head. She was conscious but confused and she disappeared. Elliot thought he’d killed Andie so decided to frame Sal. He forced him to take sleeping pills and held his hand while he died. 
  • He then began to panic a little bit when Andie’s body didn’t show up.
  • Later, Elliot saw Andie in the street. She looked like she’d been taking drugs and decided to lock her up and ‘take care of her.’ He cooks for her and watches TV with her while he visits. 
  • But, he also tries to deny killing Barney, but this is cut short when Pip hears police sirens.
  • She takes the key and goes up to the attic where Andie is being held. There’s a girl in there and she says, ‘hi, I’m Andie.’ 
  • But it’s not Andie Bell. 


  • This girl looks a lot like Andie, but it’s definitely not her. As Pip says, ‘she was just a girl with the wrong hair and the wrong face when the wrong man drove past.’ She later finds out that the girl Elliot had locked up was a missing runaway with a learning disability from an abusive home.
  • Ravi is, obviously, extremely happy that his brother is now going to be cleared. 
  • Pip and Ravi see the Bell family and assume they must be on their way to confirm whether or not this girl is Andie. She notes that Becca looks pale and her brows are furrowed. 


  • Pip doesn’t know what to say to Cara so writes her a text message and tells her that it was her dad that killed Sal and that she would explain everything to her but only when Cara was ready. 
  • Ravi brings his parents over to meet Pip and they thank her. It’s a lovely scene and they all agree that they’re going to go to see the fireworks tonight because it’s actually bonfire night. 


  • Pip still has her murder board. She says she meant to get rid of it, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. 
  • Because they still don’t know what happened to Andie Bell.
  • Pip is looking at all of the timings and realises that Elliot must have gotten his times wrong because he said he last saw Andie around 10, and Becca last saw Andie about half an hour later. So, why didn’t she say anything about Andie’s head injury? 
  • This is when it all starts to make sense to Pip. 
  • She calls Max and angrily asks him if he drugged and raped Becca Bell. He admits that he did but he doesn’t consider it rape because she didn’t say no. 
  • Becca was, in fact, the last person to see Andie alive.


  • Pip goes to see Becca. Pip tells Becca her theory that it was actually Becca that killed Andie. 
  • Becca tells Pip that she found out Andie had sold the rohypnol used to drug her to Max. 
  • When she told Andie, Andie told her that she didn’t care. 
  • Becca stood and watched as Andie died. They’d had a little fight but since Andie had a head injury, she died fairly quickly. 
  • It was Becca in the car that CCTV had picked up at around 10:40pm, not Andie. 
  • Becca admits that Andie’s body is in the septic tank of the house that Becca was writing an article about. 
  • She says she didn’t mean to kill the dog. She let him go but it was dark and he must’ve gotten confused.
  • Pip is in the middle of telling Becca to run away, leave the country just as she realises that Becca has drugged her. 
  • Pip tries to run but struggles and Becca tries to strangle Pip but then realises she can’t do it.
  • Pip is saved by her dad and Ravi. Ravi used find my friends to find her. Again, this is why he’s the best.


  • The book ends a few months later with Pip doing her EPQ presentation in front of the whole school, the town, there’s press there. 
  • We find out that she got into Cambridge and Pip and Ravi are now together. 

Now, you’re all prepared for the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder TV show that’s coming out soon (hopefully early 2024 if rumours are to be believed!)

5 differences between the book and tv show