On Rotation: an interesting medical romance for fans of Grey’s Anatomy

On Rotation is a book about a romance book about a medical student written by Shirlene Obuobi that was released in June 2022.


Ghanian-American Angela Appiah has checked off all the boxes for the perfect immigrant daughter – she’s enrolled in a prestigious medical school, she has a boyfriend that’s on the way to a well-paid job, and she has a circle of successful and loyal friends.

Until her boyfriend dumps her, she bombs the most important exam of her medical career so far, and her best friend begins to pull away. Suddenly, her parents are a lot less proud of her than usual and she begins to question everything in her life.

But then she meets Ricky Gutierrez. He’s brilliant, thoughtful, sexy and seems to be able to see Angie for who she is instead of who she is supposed to be. Too bad he already has a girlfriend!

What I Liked:
  • A struggling female main character – I enjoyed seeing a female main character that was struggling and actually had to work to get better. She’s really struggling with her studies and far too often in this type of story the main character mentions that they’re struggling but we never see them do anything to fix it. Angie is always studying and I kind of loved it!
  • Family expectations – I always like reading about people that have to deal with unrealistic expectations from their family. While Angie was struggling with a lot of different things in her life, her family just didn’t seem to understand that and only care about what medical field she’s going to go into. We get to see Angie dealing with this and standing up to her family!
  • Medical… stuff – The author is actually a doctor and I think that really helped with all of the medical stuff. All I know about being a doctor is from Grey’s Anatomy and we all know that’s not exactly accurate so I know next to nothing. The author described everything in a way that made it easily understandable but also interesting!

What I Didn’t Like:
  • Angie – Angie was… kind of annoying and selfish? She was so childish and just not fun to read about. 
  • Ricky – Ricky is the main love interest and he was horrible. When they first meet in the book he totally leads her on and makes her think that he’s into her… only for her to show interest and then have him tell her actually has a girlfriend. He tries to play it off by saying he thought they could just be friends. No, he didn’t. He spends the book being a bit of a dick and it eventually gets to the point where the two main characters are pretty much together, they’re doing everything a couple does yet he refuses to commit. He’s just not a good love interest and we’re supposed to forget about it because he has a sad family background. I just never wanted these characters to end up together because everything they were together all they did was fight and then break up. It was just silly.
  • Footnotes – The author used too many footnotes. It got to the point where it felt like they were on every other page and half of them were unecessary. I’d understand if they were used for just the medical jargon… but they weren’t. They were just used anytime the author had something extra to say and it go annoying.
  • It’s kind of boring – I had a lot of problems with this book but the main one was that it was just quite dull. I tried the audiobook because usually that will help me focus longer but even that didn’t help with this book. 
  • It shouldn’t be compared to Grey’s Anatomy – have you ever wanted to read a book that’s like Grey’s Anatomy? Me too! But this isn’t that and I think it’s setting up audiences to be disappointed. It’s compared to it because the main character is a medical student… and that’s where the similarities end. By picking up a romance book that’s compared to Grey’s Anatomy I’m expecting an inappropriate romance between 2 doctors. I don’t care how unrealistic it is – a book is not just like Grey’s Anatomy because it’s about a medical student.

Overall Feelings:

This book had potential but, ultimately, had a main character that wasn’t fun to read about, a love interest that wasn’t supportive and it was kind of boring.