The crazy timeline of the Twilight Saga

Have you ever looked into how crazy the timeline of the Twilight series is? I’m specifically talking about the books here and all of this info is from the Twilight Illustrated Guide! So, here is a brief recap of everything that happened in the Twilight series.


January 2005

  • Bella moves to Forks (January 17th).
  • Bella starts school and meets Edward (January 18th).
  • Edward leaves Forks and returns a week later when he saves her from being crushed by Tyler’s van.
  • Edward begins avoiding Bella.

March 2005

  • Mike asks Bella to the dance.
  • Edward begins spending the night in Bella’s room but she doesn’t know yet
  • Bella sits with Edward at lunch for the first time and almost passes out in biology.
  • Jacob is introduced and he tells Bella about the history of the cold ones.
  • Bella goes to Port Angeles, almost gets attacked and Edward saves her.
  • On their way back to Forks, Edward confirms that he is a vampire.
  • Edward takes Bella to the meadow for the first time.
  • The next day Edward introduces Bella to his family.
  • That same day, the baseball game happens, James targets Bella, and Bella tells her dad that she’s leaving Forks.
  • Bella, Jasper and Alice arrive in Phoenix and James lures Bella to the ballet studio.
  • The Cullens kill James and Bella wakes up in the hospital a few days later.

May 2005

  • Bella and Edward attend prom.


September 2005

  • Bella attends her birthday party at the Cullen house where she cuts herself and Jasper almost attacks her (September 13th).
  • Edward starts to become distant and then a few days later he breaks up with her and the Cullens leave Forks.

October-December 2005

  • Bella exists in a zombielike state only doing the absolute bare minimum to survive.

January 2006

  • Bella goes to Port Angeles with Jessica and realises that she can hear Edward’s voice in her head when she puts herself in danger so she starts hanging out with Jacob again as they fix up motorcycles.
  • Bella visits the empty Cullen house.
  • Bella and Jacob see Sam Uley’s gang cliff diving and they begin searching for the meadow together.

February 2006

  • Bella, JAcob and Mike go to the cinema together. 
  • Jacob tells Bella he’s sick and then begins avoiding her.

March 2006

  • Bella finds the meadow and almost gets killed by Lauren but is saved by giant wolves.
  • Bella confronts Jacob and soon finds out that he is actually a werewolf (or a shapeshifter).
  • Harry Clearwater dies.
  • Bella jumps of the cliff and Alice returns to Forks to check up on Bella.
  • Edward calls Bella’s house and Jacob implies that Bella has died so Alice and Bella travel to Italy to stop Edward meeting the Volturi and killing himself.
  • The Volturi let them go as long as they promise Bella will be turned into a vampire. 
  • Bella, Edward and Alice return to Forks and the Cullens vote on whether or not Bella should become a vampire.

April 2006

  • Jacob reminds Edward of the treaty.


May 2006

  • Edward and Bella visit Renee in Florida.
  • The Cullens and the wolves clash while hunting Victoria.
  • Jacob confronts Edward and Bella starts hanging out with Jacob again.

June 2006

  • Edward realises that another vampire has been in Bella’s bedroom.
  • Jacob kisses Bella and she punches him.
  • Bella, Edward and Alice graduate (June 11th) and Alice throws a graduation party.
  • The Cullens and the wolves begin training to fight the newborn army.
  • Bella and Edward become officially engaged (June 13th).
  • Bella asks Jacob to kiss her after he learns that she is engaged to Edward.
  • The newborn battle occurs. 
  • Edward kills Victoria.
  • The Volturi visit.


August 2006

  • Bella and Edward get married (August 13th)
  • Edward and Bella go on their honeymoon.
  • Bella realises she’s pregnant and they return home to Forks.

September 2006

  • Jacob finds out that ella has returned and that she’s sick. He assumes she’s been turned into a vampire but eventually breaks away from his pack to protect Bella when he finds out she’s pregnant.
  • Renesmee is born and Bella begins her transformation into a vampire (September 11th)
  • Bella completes her transformation into a vampire (September 13th)

December 2006

  • Irina sees Renesmee with Jacob and Bella and assumes she’s an immortal child so goes to the Volturi.
  • Alice sees a vision of the Volturi’s attack before she and Jasper leave.
  • The Cullens gather all of their friends to prove that Renesmee is growing and is not an immortal child.
  • Edward, Bella and Renesmee spend Christmas with Charlie (December 25th)
  • The Volturi arrive, Alice and Jasper return with proof that Renesmee isn’t a danger and the Volturi retreat (December 31st).

So, the whole series occurs over about 2 years which isn’t too bad until you remember that Edward ignored Bella for the first 2 months she was in Forks and then left for 6 months. They were only together about 10 months by the time they got engaged! I get this is just a silly little teen romance but a big part of the reason that Bella even agreed to marry Edward was literally just so she could have sex with him.

Also why does everything seem to happen in March?!

The fact that they go on their first ‘date’ in the meadow and then all the stuff with James happens THE NEXT DAY is crazy! 

Eclipse happens over less than 2 months!!

And Breaking Dawn happens only over 4 and a half months.

Bella is only pregnant for like a month!

This is something I think about all the time and I kind of love it.